7:56 a.m.: I awaken only to realize that my alarm set for 6:45 (in time to make it to my 8 a.m. class) never went off. And considering it takes 10 minutes to drive to campus followed by 5 minutes to walk to the Coliseum, I started to do the math (not a pretty sight at 7:57 in the morning). My calculations had me walking into class at 8:14--not too bad. Then I remembered what that professor had said about showing up late. I think it went something like this:
"If you're gonna be more than five or ten minutes late, just don't bother."
So I didn't.
8:01 a.m.: I start trying to go back to sleep.
8:09 a.m.: I stop trying to go back to sleep. Useless. Special thanks goes out to the Three Guys Lawn Service who have deemed it necessary to cut the grass at our apartment 3 times a week, starting each day just before the crack of dawn, and finishing up around 9 a.m.
8:10 a.m.: I track my shipment online (this has been a frequent event over the past week). Good news! My package arrived in Columbia at 2:57 this morning, and is now "on vehicle for delivery."
8:13 a.m.: Not quite willing to give up on additional sleep or on being awake when my computer arrives, I bring my comforter into the living room and collapse onto the couch.
9:52 a.m.: I must have fallen asleep. A loud knock at the door. My heart begins to pound with the same strength as the knock at the door. Okay, that was a little much. Sorry.
I open the door. There stands a parcel worker, complete in winter attire. She drops my package on the ground. I repeat: she DROPS my COMPUTER on the ground. I get a little sick to my stomach.
"How ya doin'?" she says.
"I was better when you were holding that package instead of dropping it." Okay, so I didn't really say that. But I thunk it. I don't wanna badmouth this particular company, so we'll just call them "EdFex."
9:52:56 a.m.: I open the box. Never to fear--no damage.
10:32 a.m.: After installing a new operating system and sixteen updates, my machine is ready to go. (I've just recently learned that most Mac people say "machines" instead of "computers."
Long story short (or at least after I gave you the long version), this thing is awesome. It's just so daggum easy to use (can I say daggum on a blog?). I know that sounds strange coming from a college student who is supposed to know all about these things, but they just make it easy. Stuff like telling you every time there's an update, not just on your operating system or main components, but on all your programs. And other little things, like the power cord being magnetic so it doesn't mess anything up if someone steps on it. Or having a battery with a battery life longer than 30 minutes, which has been my experience with some other laptops. It's just really personal, which (I guess) is what I was going for.
So anyway, if you are thinking about buying one, I say go for it. Tell them Kent sent you (yeah--I'm sure that'll do you a lot of good.) And if you really wanna keep up with the times, get the new MacBook Air which, of course, came out the day after I bought mine. Check it out:
Or you can go to my cooler blog, and watch it. The song in the ad, by the way is a girl named Regina Spektor (spelling??), and if you haven't checked out her music, you need to.
well I'm back to being creepy and reading your blog...perfect timing for a little something something I learned the other day..the FedEx label is the most valuable logo in the world because of the arrow between the E and the X!
Yeah I just found out about that the other day too. But it wasn't FedEx that delivered it. It was EdFex.
Be creepy anytime you want to. Do you go to school at USC too?
The drop was just to give the new Apple some character.
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