Sunday, December 9, 2007

glorious unseen

okay so this is the my last effort at procrastinating studying for exams, but y'all have got to hear this guy's music.

His name is Ben Crist and he's a worship leader from Nashville. His group is called the Glorious Unseen, and he's blown me away. If you're like me in that you enjoy worship music, but you get kind of bored with it sometimes, check them out. Go to and listen to the player with his songs in it, especially Hear Our Prayers and Forever Holy.

He's awesome.

Ha! short post number two. I'm loving this.


Paige said...

you are a completel goober and i like it. keep up the good work my friend.

blake said...

i dig the music. and i think i will buy it on itunes.

thanks for the brevity and reccomendation.