Thursday, October 18, 2007

sushi is amazing

well it is. I think I have effectively formed a habit of getting sushi for lunch every tuesday and thursday. I started all because of convenience. Apparently everyone on campus goes to Russell House at the exact same time as me for lunch on those days, and every line ends up being crowded except for the sushi line. Don't know why. But that's how it began, and now I can't stop.

I read a book a while back by David Crowder called "Praise Habit: finding God in sunsets and sushi." And I can honestly say I have seen God in many a sunset. And while I can't say I've found Him in the sushi yet, I feel like the sushi has definitely shown me something deep, maybe even spiritual. Today it was the tempura roll, which is totally worth the 3 dollars price difference between it and the other, less holy rolls.

Here's the thing. Whenever I eat sushi, I have to eat it outside. And whenever I eat outside I feel the need to put in the iPod earphones (because I am obviously a social recluse and try to avoid contact with other humans as much as possible). And whenever I eat sushi outside with my earphones in, I like to pick something deep to listen to, so maybe it's the music as much as the sushi, but the sushi is where it starts (I promise to get to the point here soon). Today the selection was Mutemath. Great band. I usually try to stay away from a band's most popular songs, but today the shuffle landed on "Typical," and I let it play.

When I eat sushi outside, I'm really bad about watching and analyzing people, and more and more lately, I keep getting this feeling from doing that. This feeling that life is about something so much bigger than what we see (very cliche, I know), and that about 85-90% of the people I am seeing walking around don't know that. And if my tendency to think these things weren't bad enough already, here's what Paul Meany of Mutemath put in my ear today:

I know there's got to be another level
somewhere closer to the other side
I'm feeling like it's now or never
Can I break the spell of the typical?

And that's kinda how I feel. That even though I don't quite have it together/figured out yet, there is another level, and that a lot people are never gonna realize it. Switchfoot must also be big sushi fans:

Stars looking at our planet watching entropy and pain
and maybe start to wonder how the chaos in our lives could pass as sane
I've been thinking about the meaning of resistance,
a hope beyond my own
and suddenly the infinite and penitent
begin to look like home

So the moral is, there is something bigger. And apparently the people who don't eat sushi or listen to Mutemath aren't gonna get it the way I did. So I'm gonna figure out someway that I can make somebody get it. And in the meantime, maybe I'll leave my earphones out of my ears.


The Brighter Side of Things said...


It seems the sushi has quite an affect. Do you have any suggestions for a veggie alternative? For a two day old blogger you are offering some seasoned awesome insight. Keep it up. See you soon!

Kent said...

hmm...I'll have to get back to you on figuring out something just as deep. There's gotta be something. I've about concluded it has to be somewhat non-american though. Something about a chili cheeseburger and fries just doesn't lend itself to contemplating the soul.